
Magnolia bawangensis

名称状态:被SP2000收录,状态为:Magnolia bawangensis为接受名
科属名称:Magnoliaceae(木兰科)  木兰属
形态描述:Evergreen shrubs with trunks to 5 m tall and 10 cm in diameter; bark grayish-brown; young twigs green, old ones grayish-brown; buds, twigs, petioles, peduncles and lower surfaces of leaves grayish-white villose. Leaves leathery, elliptic, 13-19-4-7 cm, apex long acuminate, base cuneate, dark green above, pale green beneath, lateral veins 12-13 on each side; petioles 1.5-2.0 cm long, stipular scars reaching the apex of the petioles. Flower buds ovoid, green, declinate, brown pilose; spathaceous bracts pale brown pilose; brachyblasts (peduncles) grayish-white villose, pedicel absent; flowers fragrant; tepals 9-11, outer 3 pale green, elevated dotted on both surfaces, appressed pubescent, ovate or obovate, ca 3.5-ca 2 cm, mid 3 tepals white, fleshy, white pubescent, obovate, 4.0-4.5-2.0-2.5 cm, inner tepals 3-5 white, fleshy, white pubescent, obovate, 3.0-3.5-1.5-2.0 cm; stamens 142-150, white, ca 1 cm long, white pubescent at base, anthers introrsely dehiscent, filaments very short, connectives produced into triangular short appendages; gynoecia pale green, obovoid, ca 1 cm long, white villose, with several longitudinal ridges, carpels 2-ovulate. Fruit aggregates ellipsoid, 6-7-3.0-3.5 cm; mature follicles woody, dehiscent along dorsal sutures.